Zoom In! Zoom Out! Recap

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Are you rigid and flexible in the right ways?

Mark 2 teaches us we need to be rigid.
Mark 2 teaches us we need to be flexible.
And it teaches us if we’re one or the other in wrong ways we’re in trouble.

We are taught that we must believe. And that to believe means a firm fixed position of being persuaded to the point of placing your well-being, confidence, trust, and reliance in Jesus.

The paralytic’s friends were RIGID in their faith that Jesus could heal their friend. So they tore the roof of to get their friend to Jesus.

Yet a few verses later Jesus said, “You don’t put new wine into old wineskins. New wine is for fresh wineskins.” That is, wineskins that are FLEXIBLE and able to stretch.

Mark 2 juxtaposes these two truths:
1. We must be rigidly certain that we trust Jesus.
2. This Jesus we believe in has power and authority that is uncontainable.

Jesus said new wine can’t be put in old wineskins or the skins will burst and the wine and skin will be destroyed.

Will you dedicate your next 5 available minutes to meditate on Jesus’ teaching from Mark 2 condensed by Pastor Jim into this sentence:

The power and authority of Jesus cannot blend, be reduced, or coexist with a powerless gospel that lacks authority.

Review the service here:
January 26 Worship Service

May God bless you this week!

Dayspring Pastors and Elders

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