Welcome to Dayspring!
This Sunday we will meet in small group Sunday School for all ages from 9:30-10:15 AM. Our worship service begins with music at 10:25 AM and will also be broadcast live. Click the links below or find our livestream page on the Worship tab of this website. You are welcome to attend in person or online, according to your needs!
Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!
Click the following links to join us on social media!
We’d love to meet you in person!
We’d love to meet you in person!

We Believe
You didn’t click on this website by chance; you are here because the God who created the universe also created you and He knows your name. He wants you to know Him too so he is pursuing you. We’d like to start a conversation with you so you’ll find places to comment on our blog posts, ask questions, or send us a message on our Contact page. If you are on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube you can find us there too. In the future we hope to start up our Wednesday evening meals again, but in the meantime, maybe we can buy you a cup of coffee sometime soon. One of our favorite times of the week is Sunday morning at 10:30 AM when we meet up together at our building to celebrate worship and teaching about God the Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. We just love experiencing His presence and want you to encounter Him also.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. – 1 Chronicles 29:11 ESV

Sign Up for Wednesday Meals
Normally, twice a month we gather in the middle of the week to enjoy a meal together and share stories about what God is up to. Those gatherings are on hold for now but when we are able to meet in this way again, we’d love to have you join us! This is the place where you will RSVP so our chef knows how much delicious food to prepare.