RAHAB Ministries
In fact, trafficking in the US is among the worst in the world and the National Human Trafficking Hotline ranks Ohio as one of the top states in the country to report trafficking cases. It happens here in Stark County as reported by Canton Rep and 19 News. It happens in Summit County and other surrounding counties.
RAHAB Ministries, Inc.
(Reaching Above Hopelessness and Brokenness)
is fighting back.

Pam and Becky
RAHAB was founded by Rebecca Moreland in 2002. After finding hope and healing in her own life, Becky put her faith into action by reaching into seemingly hopeless situations and connecting with prostituted women on the streets of Akron, Ohio. She, along with Pam Ecrement, wrote her story into a book called Bring Me A Vision. Meet Becky by clicking here for a short video.
Today they have multiple ways that they reach out to people caught up in trafficking situations, including mentoring, outreach, drop-in centers, jail ministries, safe housing, education, training, and inspiration.

Becky and Suzanne
In May 2018, Suzanne Lewis-Johnson resigned from the FBI to become RAHAB’s new CEO. Although becoming an FBI Agent had been a dream come true, Suzanne took the unusual step of resigning from the FBI, because she believes RAHAB holds the keys to ending the slavery of human trafficking.
Dayspring is honored to host both Becky and Suzanne on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. They will speak to us at 11:30 AM during Sunday School time, following the worship service which begins at 10 AM. Please come to hear what they have to say, and perhaps be sparked to partner with them in this essential work. You’ll have the opportunity to purchase Becky’s book that day.
Dayspring Christian Fellowship
6592 Wales Avenue NW
Massillon, OH 44646