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Dayspring recently formed a Reach Team, consistent with one of our five core values. Following is a post written by one of our Reach Team members:

Jimmy and Marilyn Harr have been sharing with me their wonderful passion for the lost, along with magazines from Global Disciples and Voice of the Martyrs – amazing testimonies of healings, miracles, deliverance, and tragedies turned around for God’s glory. Like those around the world, you and I as followers of Jesus are acting upon His teachings to “Go into all the world, making disciples.”

Once we take those first few steps of faith and obedience, we find a strength and courage that is truly supernatural.

The power of the gospel is amazing! It transforms lives and renews minds to a new way of living and a new way of thinking. We have the treasure within us — the experience of becoming a “new creation in Christ.”

May the new year of 2019 find us going out into the fields which are white for harvest. Let’s see where God is at work and join him!

There are areas around us that we can pray into about bringing God’s truth and light. Places of hopelessness, addiction, neglect, abuse, and oppression.

This is what pleases our Father in Heaven: to break the bands of wickedness and let the oppressed go free. So, let’s join our hearts and hands, occupying until the return of our Lord and Savior, and redeeming the time!

Grace and peace,

Beth Anslover

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