In Hub

Encouragement Calls

Originally named Vickie’s Vision, this Strengthen the Hub opportunity is a more personalized twist to the old school idea of sending a card in the mail to encourage others and remind them that [...]

In Hub

Valuables Prayer Chest

A few years ago, God helped Pam Bartholomew find a lost piece of jewelry and God spoke to Pam that if he cares about a lost material treasure, think how much more he cares about a lost human [...]

In Hub

Support A Student

As Dayspring began to meet and dream about how to Strengthen the Hub, Pastor David quickly envisioned how going to our students’ games, concerts, plays, and shows is a perfect opportunity to be [...]

In Hub

Ebenezer Wall Stories

In Bible times, believers often took a large stone or built a pile of stones commemorating a time and place where they saw God move on their behalf and help them. These commemorative stones were [...]

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