Mexico Medical Mission

 In Events, News
Dayspring Christian Fellowship partners with a couple of local churches in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico and Eli House Mission to support them in the ongoing ministry to their city! 11 Dayspringers spent a week there in March, providing medical care that otherwise would be unaffordable to many of the local residents in their neighborhood. It was a mutual blessing!

The youngest member of the team, Nathan Stjernholm, agreed to give us a daily update! Here’s what Nathan had to say about the week:

Monday, March 2, 2020 Today we ran the first day of the clinic. Before the patients arrived, Pastor Jim anointed our hands with oil and we prayed over the building, the individual rooms, and each other. When the patients started to arrive, it turned out to be a busier first day than we expected. We served 44 patients, which was over half of how many people the group from two years ago served during the entire week! We hope that we will be able to help many more people tomorrow and Friday. During the day, people were prayed over and healed by God and it was amazing to witness. God is definitely on the move here in San Luis Rio Colorado. It’s been an amazing experience so far and we’re so excited for what God has in store for us while we’re down here.




Tuesday, March 3, 2020 The second day of running the clinic went well! It was a little slower today, but we were still able to show God’s glory to the people of San Luis Rio Colorado. We were able to pray over more people and there was instant healing again! God is so good! One woman who was pretty somber from the moment she came in had a huge smile on her face as soon as we finished praying over her. She said she had no more pain and just started laughing out of awe and amazement. It’s been great to see God moving and we know He’s not done yet!




Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Wednesday we did checkups for the kids at Eli House and spent time hanging out with them. We made necklaces, threw baseballs/kicked soccer balls, and gave piggy back rides. The kids really enjoy hanging out with us and are always excited to see us. The whole group is growing while we’re here and wants Dayspring to know that your prayers for us are being answered as we’re here. We have been able to be glory carriers and see God’s glory.

Thursday, March 5, 2020 Today we were able to serve the local pastors by having a breakfast for them. We gave them notebooks with blessings and Bible verses written in the back. Before they ate, we prayed a prayer of blessing over them and sang Zephaniah 3:17. Then, we served them scrambled eggs, tortillas, french toast, fruit, sausage, orange juice, and coffee. They were very appreciative and grateful, and we could tell they loved God and his people. After that, we hung out with the kids from Eli House and were able to pray for them. We split up with a few kids per person and had a small conversation with them in Spanish and then prayed for them in English. This afternoon, we went to El Golfo and enjoyed spending time at the beach. Tomorrow is our last day of running the clinic. It’s going a little longer, so we’re expecting it to be pretty busy. We hope we will be able to show God’s glory to lots of patients!


Friday, March 6, 2020 We ended the week strong today. Despite the lack of electricity at the clinic this morning, we continued to do God’s work here in Mexico. We were able to pray over more patients and watch God move. A really cool moment happened at the end of our day at the clinic. Our last patient, whose name was Carlos, had a prophetic message from God for our team. We were able to pray over him and his family and it was awesome to be a part of. Pam recorded it, so Dayspringers back at home should be able to listen to it sometime. During our debrief time this evening, God surprised us with an earthquake! (See news link describing)  We could definitely feel it, but no one got hurt. We’ll be starting on our trip back home around 8:00 AM Ohio time. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!


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